Publications & Patents

Publications & Patents

Publication Targeting YAP to overcome acquired resistance to ALK inhibitors in ALK‐rearranged lung cancer

페이지 정보

작성자 DAAN
조회 521회 작성일 24-02-20 14:35


Journal EMBO Mol Med
Name Yun MR, Choi HM, Lee YW, Joo HS, Park CW, Choi JW, Kim DH, Kang HN, Pyo KH, Shin EJ, Shim HS, Soo RA, Yang JC, Lee SS, Chang H, Kim MH, Hong MH, Kim HR, Cho BC.
Year 2019


Clinical benefit of ALK tyrosine kinase inhibitors (ALK‐TKIs) in ALK‐rearranged lung cancer has been limited by the inevitable development of acquired resistance, and bypass‐molecular resistance mechanisms remain poorly understood. We investigated a novel therapeutic target through screening FDA‐approved drugs in ALKTKI‐resistant models. Cerivastatin, the rate‐limiting enzyme inhibitor of the mevalonate pathway, showed anti‐cancer activity against ALKTKI resistance in vitro/in vivo, accompanied by cytoplasmic retention and subsequent inactivation of transcriptional co‐regulator YAP. The marked induction of YAP‐targeted oncogenes (EGFR, AXL, CYR61, and TGFβR2) in resistant cells was abolished by cerivastatin. YAP silencing suppressed tumor growth in resistant cells, patient‐derived xenografts, and EML4‐ALK transgenic mice, whereas YAP overexpression decreased the responsiveness of parental cells to ALK inhibitor. In matched patient samples before/after ALK inhibitor treatment, nuclear accumulation of YAP was mainly detected in post‐treatment samples. High expression of YAP in pretreatment samples was correlated with poor response to ALKTKIs. Our findings highlight a crucial role of YAP in ALKTKI resistance and provide a rationale for targeting YAP as a potential treatment option for ALK‐rearranged patients with acquired resistance to ALK inhibitors.
